Sunday, December 16, 2007

Your Sucess Strategy,By-Susan Gray

Your Sucess Strategy,By-Susan Gray

We all want to be success but all could not make it to why ? the question is again of billion dollar.
Success is not a magic that a earth quick will come and every thing will change within a flash,it came with serious preparation and strategy.
In order to be success we need to have keen interest in our goal and have to move through clear steps.
Here are some practical tips for success


To be successed you have to know what exactly you want in life like in search engines one can get n number of results in a single click but we have to be specific to get the exact goal.

Positive Mental attitude
Catch and eliminate negative thought we have to see which feelings are disturbing us and preventing us from reaching our goal ,if you think what you do not want each day there is a possibility that the same thing will repeated again and again,you need to align your thought with your goal.


Focus your Goal every day
Think of your goal think of your achievement's think about your joy,it is an universal truth that what ever we think dream by heart becomes real one day.


When you are confident you are going towards your goal positively self confidence is key to all success .


Take action
This is essential for success .Just start what ever u can towards the success every ench you will move u will achieve something.

Our brain is divide into two part one is conscious and other subconscious it is well known among science we only use 10% of our conscious mind but subconscious mind is much bigger than conscious mind.So, obviously subconscious mind accounts 90% of other part .It is believe that if we will use this part a magical result can be happen.

so what does subconscious mind do?

every thing what we do fell through our 5 senses like smle,see,touch,see,here are stored in subconscious mind .

let understand it through an example if any time we face any negative experience in our life so conscious mind will send the images to subconscious mind and when we encounter same problem subconscious mind send messages of past happening like emotions ,images etc.

Subconscious mind is multi tasking , it works 24*7 .

What ever experience it comes in life all save in subconscious mind the only difference between conscious and subconscious mind is that subconscious mind does not know what is imaginative and what is reality.It does not understand the humor.

The greate tool to train the subconscious mind it to visualize the success.

Thinking only good is best way to train the subconscious mind if u think I can’t do this ,I cant afford this automatically subconscious mind will take it true.

So, train your subconscious mind as happiness ,joy,prosperity, health and love.

We were born with subconscious mind but never thinking about its power.If you have strong desire to win you have to unleash(active) your subconscious mind.

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